CAST understands that social media can be a fun and rewarding way to share CAST’s projects with family, friends, and co-workers around the world. However, use of social media also presents certain risks and carries with it certain responsibilities. To assist CAST partners in making responsible decisions about their use of social media, we have established these guidelines for appropriate use of social media. This policy applies to all partners (or potential partners) of CAST.
All partners of CAST are expected to demonstrate appropriate etiquette on social media, including but not limited to...
Community interaction
In the instance of receiving a direct artist or prospect inquiry, complaint or comment via your personal social media channels, you are asked to copy and paste the following response and reach out to one of the following contacts:
Response: Hi @name thanks for reaching out. I'm looping in CAST’s Director of Marketing & Communications @Catherine Nguyen so that the best placed team member can get back to you. I'll pass on your comment directly.
Events & Programming = @Matthew McTire
Real Estate Consultancy = @Carolyn Choy @Joshua Simon
Marketing & Communications = @Catherine Nguyen @Maya Berry
Community Engagement = @Tyese Wortham @PAZ-CE
Finance/Invoicing = @Ryan
Fundraising = @Ellen Leslie